Category: Patriot Privacy & Security Society

  • Obamacare is HERE

    I know what you are reading in the news: The Republicans are doing their best to delay Obamacare,but I’m here to tell you, its too late. The Supreme Court had their chance, so did Congress. This health care law is reality, and you had better get used to the idea sooner rather than later.  The…

  • Carrying a Concealed Handgun

    In the coming weeks and months, as part of your membership in the Patriot Privacy and Security Society, I will discuss the proper way to carry, conceal, and, if need be, use a handgun. As a private detective, I carried a concealed handgun for many years both professionally and privately. With the recent mass-shooting at…

  • A terrifying new search engine

    Imagine you walk into your baby’s room, and discover that a complete stranger, an evil hacker even, is calling your newborn a “slut”. That’s exactly what happened to Marc Gilbert. A new search engine can expose, and ultimately protect, devices that are connected to the internet: Gilbert’s baby monitor was connected to the internet and was hacked by a…

  • Using encryption like a pro

    In a recent Patriot Privacy & Security Society Alert, I said I’d provide you with more information on how to use encryption in the near future. The future is today. Truth be told, I wanted to continue to follow the unfolding revelations from former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden about how the NSA was…

  • Cash IS King

    These days, fewer and fewer of us are old enough to remember when businesses truly cared about customer service and demonstrated that care with a well-trained sales staff and polite cashiers. Today, instead of handing your hard-earned dollars over to a flesh and blood cashier, it’s more likely that you’ll punch keys at a computerized…

  • Your Patriot Privacy & Security Newsletter is here!

    As an additional benefit to being a member of the Patriot Privacy and Security Society, each month you will receive a newsletter that contains all of the Patriot Privacy and Security Society Advisories and Alerts from the previous month. This way, if you didn’t have time to review an Advisory or an Alert when it…

  • Thank you for being a part of our little community of patriots

    On this sad day in our nations history… I just wanted to send a quick note to say ‘thank you’… Thank you for protecting your right to privacy… Thank you for allowing me to help you… Thank you for caring about our country… Thank you for standing up for what you believe… Thank you for…

  • Introducing the Patriot Privacy and Security Society Newsletter

    As an additional benefit to being a member of the Patriot Privacy and Security Society, each month you will receive a newsletter that contains all of the Patriot Privacy and Security Society Advisories and Alerts from the previous month. This way, if you didn’t have time to review an Advisory or an Alert when it…

  • Privacy while travelling

    I wanted to send a quick note with a free resource that was sent to me by a friend this week. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has created a terrific guide to protecting yourself from TSA agents and Federal agents while traveling. Most people don’t know that a TSA agent can demand to search your phone or laptop at a…

  • Encryption While Traveling

    When I was asked to provide advisories for the Patriot Privacy and Security Society, I decided that the most important goal I can accomplish is to provide you with specific information and knowledge that will allow you to better protect yourself and your family from the increasing threats to your privacy and security. In short,…